The default scheme uses cycling colors to distinguish different stack frames, while coloring runtime dispatch "red" and garbage-collection "orange". The run-time dispatch (aka, dynamic dispatch, run-time method lookup, or a virtual call) often has a significant impact on performance.
You can colorize the stack frames based on their category, or module-of-origin.
using FlameGraphs
In the default StackFrameCategory scheme, "gray" indicates time spent in Core.Compiler (mostly inference), "dark gray" in other Core, "yellow" in LLVM, "orange" in other ccalls, "light blue" in Base, and "red" is uncategorized (mostly package code).
The colorbg and colorfont options of FlameGraphs.FlameColors and FlameGraphs.StackFrameCategory are currently not supported and ignored.
This document was generated with Documenter.jl on Tuesday 5 May 2020. Using Julia version 1.4.1.